We are so glad you have joined us. Here you will find a video of our latest sermon as well as audio of some of our most recent sermon series. Never miss a message, subscribe to the podcast by following the links above and listen any time.
iPhone users can listen to the messages on the Apple Podcast app from your phone (search HCF Cambridge).
Android users can listen the messages on the Google Podcast app from your phone (search HCF Cambridge).
Our podcast can also be found using the the SOUNDCLOUD app, search HCF Cambridge.
Our current series: The Authority Code
Wednesday Night Deep Dive
Our mid-week service at HCF is a college level Bible study. We meet @ 6pm, with no music, no fanfare, as we dive in the Word for a powerful hour of Biblical study. We hope you are blessed by these messages. These messages are also available on iPhone, Android, and SoundCloud podcast apps. Currently there are no video or audio for this series. Please join us in person every Wednesday @ 6pm
Current Series: Growing In Grace- A Journey In Discipleship

Contact Us
(740) 432-7850